Free Pro Bono Email Assessment (LIMITED TIME ONLY)

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Our team of cyber security specialists will conduct a free email assessment ($299RRP) for one email associated with your institution! Which email you provide to us can be done at your discretion.

Your email address is a vital asset to your business! Seemingly harmless, yet your email address can connect a cybercriminal to a variety of sensitive information. When a business/website is hacked, all of the data it collects from you is linked with your email address. If you fall victim to several data breaches, cybercriminals can develop an image of who you are, consequently this leads to identity theft. In 2019 25% of Australia's fell victim to identity theft. 

Through discovering what information is linked to your email address on the dark web, we can tell you which passwords need to be changed and how we can mitigate the damage from the leaked information. Through changing your passwords and mitigating  the leaked information it is less likely that cybercriminals can cause harm.

Package outcomes:

✅ Know where your personal information is published. 

✅ Know which passwords to change.

✅ Less likely cybercriminals can cause harm with leaked information.